Using the power of cutting-edge technology (nanoPDS) to permeate concentrated substances into the skin.
CBD × エクソソーム× NMN医学会でも注目される各種成分を贅沢に活用
CBD × Exosome × NMN
Generous use of key ingredients attracting attention in the medical community
This all in one gel cream contains a generous amount of the world’s highest quality purified and concentrated stem cell culture supernatant. In addition, the essence contains a generous amount of various active ingredients used in the latest medical practices, including CBD which is attracting attention in the medical field, NMN, expected to have rejuvenation and longevit, and exosome which has the effect of promoting skin turnover.
Through our nano PDS technique, such active ingredients penetrate deep into the skin to maximize the anti-aging effects, without the use of a needle.
Anti-agingg care that does not require time and effort
NMN – rejuvenating and longevity effects
Exosomes – Promote skin cell turnover.
Antioxidative effects – Tackle the rooting causes of aging
NEXOLオールインワン ジェルクリーム
NEXOL All-in-One Gel Cream
Net content: 50mg
〒108-0071 東京都港区白金台5丁目18-18
Barbizon18ビル 1階
The world's first detoxified highest quality adipocyte culture supernatant!
nanoPDS cosmetics
nanoPDS cosmetics
Purified and concentrated stem cell culture supernatant + NMN
All-in-one essence
30 times the concentration level compared to conventional products
ネクソル エッセンス~新たな肌浸透技術で押し返すような弾力肌を実現~
NEXOL essence
Stem cell culture supernatants are attracting attention in the field of regenerative medicine. This essence contains a generous amount of the world’s highest quality purified and concentrated stem cell culture supernatant. In addition, the essence contains a generous amount of various active ingredients used in the latest medical practices, including CBD which is attracting attention in the medical field, NMN, expected to have rejuvenation and longevity effects from recent studies by Professor David Sinclair (Professor of Harvard Medical School), and exosome which has the effect of promoting skin turnover.
Through our nano PDS technique, such active ingredients penetrate deep into the skin to maximize the anti-aging effects, without the use of a needle.
Since the ingredients are highly concentrated, you can provide intensive care on any areas you are expecting troubles including the outer corners of the eyes, nasolabial folds, dryness, blemishes, and wrinkles.
NEXOL Essence驚異の4つの特徴!
The 4 amazing features of NEXOL Essence!
① Adopts cutting-edge technology “nanoPDS”
② Contains human adipose-derived stem cell conditioned medium (purified and concentrated)
③ Contains human umbilical cord stem cell conditioned medium
NEXOLエッセンス 美容液
NEXOL essence (beauty essence)
Net content: 30 ml
〒108-0071 東京都港区白金台5丁目18-18
Barbizon18ビル 1階
NEXOL nano face mask
Achieved 30 times the concentration level compared to conventional products!
NEXOL face pack
Net content: (25ml x 4 pieces)
Generous use of key ingredients attracting attention in the medical community
This face mask contains a generous amount of the world’s highest quality purified and concentrated stem cell culture supernatant.
In addition, this face mask contains CBD, which has the effect of suppressing oxidation, glycation, and inflammation as well as exosome which has the effect of promoting skin turnover and rejuvenation, resultantly suppressing skin deterioration by reducing spots, wrinkles, sagging, and dullness. The lavishing blend of various other ingredients such as NMN creates a rich self-aging care mask which you can expect top-level anti-aging effects from.
Created by a Japanese university-launched venture company
A medical-grade face mask using the world’s highest quality purified and concentrated stem cell culture supernatant
Generous use of key ingredients attracting attention in the medical community
Joint research with Jichi Medical University on the combined effect of stem cell culture supernatant and NMN
〒108-0071 東京都港区白金台5丁目18-18
Barbizon18ビル 1階
The seven features of the world's highest quality stem cell culture supernatant developed by TeleBio, Jichi Medical University's first venture company
① 日本で販売している一般的な幹細胞上清液と比較すると有効成分の濃度が30倍以上※
② 一般的な幹細胞培養上清液には人体へ悪影響のある物質があるが、テレバイオの浄化技術により極限まで無害化
③ 圧倒的高品質にもかかわらず、他の商品と変わらぬ価格帯
④ドナーは100%日本人女性:幹細胞のドナーは100%日本人女性であり、自治医科大学がその素材について厳しいチェックをしております。製造工程において、 ヒト以外の動物由来の成分は一切使用していない。
⑤ B型肝炎ウイルス、C型肝炎ウイルス、ヒト免疫不全ウイルス、成人T細胞白血病ウイルス、パルボウイルスB19などの主要なウイルスは自治医科大学が網羅的にチェック済み
⑥ 世界初の新化粧品原料として登録:ヒト脂肪幹細胞セクレトームエキス
⑦ 2022年に化粧品成分の国際的名称であるINCI名取得/同年日本化粧品工業連合会の成分表示名称取得
① More than 30 times※ the concentration of active ingredients compared to general stem cell supernatant sold in Japan
② General stem cell culture supernatant contain harmful substances, but Telebio’s purification technology reduces such harmful substances to the fullest extent
③ Sold at the same price range as other products despite being greater in quality
④ 100% Japanese female donors: The stem cells which all come from Japanese females undergo strict quality checks by Jichi Medical University. No other animal-derived ingredients are used in the manufacturing process.
⑤ All major viruses such as hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, human immunodeficiency virus, adult T-cell leukemia virus, and parvovirus B19 have been comprehensively checked for by Jichi Medical University.
⑥ Registered as the world’s first new cosmetic raw material: Human adipose stem cell secretome extract
⑦ Acquired an INCI Name, the internationally recognized name for cosmetic ingredients, in 2022. Also acquired Japanese Labeling Name of cosmetic ingredients from the Japan Cosmetic Industry Association in the same year.
nano PDSとは?
About nano PDS
nano PDS is a patented technique which reduces burden on the body by allowing drugs that were originally administered through injection to be absorbed by the skin like ointments and creams. By minimizing functional ingredients into particles and then coating them with oil, the ingredients go beyond the epidermis and penetrate deep into the skin.
A world leader in adipose stem cell research for tissue regeneration and aging.
In 2016, he was awarded “International Researcher of the Year” by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) for his lifetime achievements.
1985年 東京大学医学部卒業
1990年 東京大学形成外科 助手
1994年 医学博士(東京大学)
1994 – 95年 米国ミシガン大学形成外科留学
1998年 東京大学形成外科 講師
2015年 自治医科大学形成外科 教授
Professor Yoshimura’s Background
1985 Graduated from the University of Tokyo School of Medicine
1990 Assistant Professor at University of Tokyo Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
1994 Doctor of Medicine (University of Tokyo)
1994-95 Year abroad at University of Michigan Department of Plastic Surgery
1998 Lecturer at University of Tokyo Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
2015 Professor at Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Jichi Medical University
Professor Kotaro Yoshimura
(medical doctor)
Professor of Plastic Surgery, Jichi Medical University
お問合せ:製造元 株式会社liu
〒108-0071 東京都港区白金台5-18-18 Barbizon18ビル 1F
Contact: Manufacturer
Liu Co., Ltd. 5-18-18 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0071 Barbizon18 Building 1F
TEL: 03-6450-4067